Community Spotlight: LinearC

Written by MasterMeowzer

Published on February 7th, 2024

LinearC is a member of Lady Arcaders! She is also preparing to play TMNT Hyperstone Heist during Games Done Quick's Unapologetically Black and Fast 2024! Catch her run at 1:55pm ET on Saturday, February 17th!

LinearC's involvement with Lady Arcaders started in hosting. She has since become a comms buddy for performers, and one of our community moderators. Occasionally, she can be found performing on Attract Mode as well! In her non-gaming time, she has opened a spiritual advice and consultation business, and loves watching true crime, court TV, or horror movies when not learning Japanese and Haitian Creole. In addition to exploring her passion for languages and culture herself, her son is enrolled in a Japanese immersion school in the U.S. He also has inherited her love of Sonic the Hedgehog and looks forward to speedrunning it eventually! She has lived in Tokyo, Japan for a time, and is looking forward to starting a business in Japan.

She first ventured into gaming at two years old when she first discovered the NES. Her parents had gotten it as a Christmas present for her older siblings, and she found it hidden away. After expertly communicating its location with “baby gibberish,” they opened it up while her parents were gone and took turns playing. After re-wrapping it for Christmas, their secret was safe, and her love of gaming was born. Her tag, LinearC, was derived from a nickname given to her by her best friend in middle school who introduced her to Final Fantasy. Now, she games on numerous platforms, including some retro consoles from around the world and a custom-made Zelda NES system. PS5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and Steam deck are among the current systems she uses, as well as VR systems and a PS Portal. Her favourite genres to play are turn-based RPGs, rhythm, and survival horror. Among her favourite games are all of the Lunar series, Evolution: World of Sacred Device, Sonic 3, and Diddy Kong Racing. She also enjoys the Silent Hill and Resident Evil, and, of course, TMNT Hyperstone Heist! She highly recommends Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for others to check out!

Currently, LinearC’s goal is to stream and submit to events more frequently! Her desire to share the games that have had the most impact on her life is driving her to become more outgoing and comfortable while gaming with others. In her first marathon appearance, she played TMNT Hyperstone Heist, and that huge accomplishment taught her that marathons are not as scary as she first thought! Her advice for everyone is to have fun at the level you are at, not to focus too much on getting the highest score or time, and to “just do it! You will be surprised at what you can do if you just try.”

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